Economic analysis of the activities of road construction enterprises, Audit2, Audit1, Management accounting and analysis.
Professor, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
Candidate of economic sciences
Participation in scientific projects: He participated in training programs organized by the European Union, the Scottish Institute of Sworn Accountants, the British Council, USAID, TASIS, KARANA and PRAGMA on the transition to IFRS and ISA.
Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.12 “Accounting, audit, control and AEA” Kazakh University of Economics named after T.Ryskulova 1996
Diploma of Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission: Kazakh University of Economics named after T.Ryskulova 2006
Diploma of higher economic education: Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, specialty “Economics and logistics planning” 1980
Economic analysis of the activities of road construction enterprises, Audit2, Audit1, Management accounting and analysis.
Author of more than 150 scientific and educational works, including 6 textbooks and 12 textbooks.
Letters of thanks, Certificates of Honor