Gas and oil pipelines, Design of oil depots and gas storage facilities, Pumping and compressor stations of main pipelines, Gas storage facilities.
Senior Lecturer
Transport construction and production of building materials
Design of gas and oil pipelines and gas storages
Master’s degree in technical sciences: KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpaeva, Specialty – 6M070800 «Oil and Gas Business», 2014 y
Diploma of higher technical education: KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpaeva, Specialty – «Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities»,1995 y
Gas and oil pipelines, Design of oil depots and gas storage facilities, Pumping and compressor stations of main pipelines, Gas storage facilities.
Scientific publications – 5, guidelines -10, study guide -1, textbooks -1
2019 – diploma of the Committee for Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications;
2022 – “Certificate of Honor” of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development