Information and communication technologies
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Internationalization
History of Kazakhstan, general education disciplines and information systems,
Participation in scientific projects:
– State Scientific and Technical Program No. 723 UGM.09 within the framework of the state budget theme “New technologies for the hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors and related service industries”;
– International educational project under the EU Erasmus+ program:
Scientific direction:
Design and implementation of automated information systems for production management.
Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): №0000591 spec. 05.13.06 “Automation and control”, 2014
Diploma of candidate of technical sciences: IK No. 003291, 2012
Diploma of Higher Technical Education: Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpaeva, specialty – Physical and chemical studies of metallurgical processes, qualification – Metallurgist, 1994
Information and communication technologies
45 scientific publications, 4 inventor’s certificates, 1 textbook.
Medal “Excellence in Education”, “Algys Khat” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.