Pricing and determination of estimated cost in construction, Regulation of the road and construction services market, Management, Industry Management, Economics and management in construction, International economy.
Senior Lecturer
Participation in scientific projects: Scientific project “To develop theoretical foundations and economic mechanisms of macroeconomic environment formation – foundations of industrial-innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan”, “The main directions of development of passenger public transport (PPT) in the world and Kazakhstan”
Master’s degree in Economics: Kazakh National Agrarian University, 6M090800 – “Assessment”, 2016
Diploma of higher economic education: Kazakh State Academy of Management, specialty “Human Resources Management”, qualification “Economist” 1995
Pricing and determination of estimated cost in construction, Regulation of the road and construction services market, Management, Industry Management, Economics and management in construction, International economy.
12 scientific publications, 1 monograph, 1 training manual.