Professor, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
Candidate of economic sciences
Participation in scientific projects:
– Formation of the country brand “Kazakhstan in the conditions of innovative development of the country” No. 0112 RC00782
– “China and National security issues of the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 0112 RC00783
– “The New Silk Road: from regional cooperation to the integration of Kazakhstan into the world economic and political space” No. 3575/GF4
Scientific direction:
– “International economic integration, international logistics”.
Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.01. “Political economy” Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1986
Diploma of Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission: 1991
Diploma of higher economic education: Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov specialty “Economics”, Qualification “”Teacher of Political economy” 1978
100 scientific publications, 4 textbooks.
Certificates of Honor, letters of appreciation