Musin Kydyrzhan Seitzhanovich

associate professor
candidate of technical science

Transport equipment and transportation organization




State order “Development of the concept for the development of public transport in the city of Atyrau for 2017-2022.
Scientific direction: Integrated logistics support for the life cycle of trucks in the regions of Kazakhstan.
  • Образование
  • Образовательные программы и дисциплины
  • Публикации и награды
Diploma of candidate of technical sciences: 2011
All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, Automobile and Automobile Industry, Mechanical Engineer, 1982.

Fundamentals of production technology and repair of transport equipment; Theory of car movement; Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment;

for undergraduates: Fundamentals of operation and research of technological equipment; Problems of reliability of construction machines.

More than 20 scientific publications, including: 13 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission; 1- publication in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.

1-Innovation patent No. 21718 “Device for cutting slots”, 2009.


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