Geoinformation systems in construction
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent of the KKSON MES RK
History of Kazakhstan, general education disciplines and information systems
Participation in scientific projects:
Initiative topic: “Development of soft skills in the formation of professional competencies of students at a technical university”.
Scientific direction:
Innovative information technologies, Automated control systems, Geoinformation systems.
Diploma of higher technical education: Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, specialty – Automated control systems, qualification – System engineer, 1986.
Diploma of candidate of technical sciences: №0000525 special. 25.00.16 – Mining. I petroprom.geologiya, geophysics, marsh.delo and subsoil geometry, 2005
Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor KKSON MES RK: specialty-geodes and mine surveying, 2010. №0001768
Geoinformation systems in construction
More than 60 scientific publications, including 6 articles in the publications Scopus and Thomson (h-index – 2), 10 textbooks published in the state, Russian and English languages:
Full member of the International Academy of Informatization, Academician of the MAIN, 2017.
Expert of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of ICT training, 2020.
Ayryksha enbegi Ushin medal, 2015
P.P. Melnik Medal of the International Academy of Transport (No. 0026), 2019.
medal “20th anniversary of L.B. Goncharov KazADI, 2019.
Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017.
Certificate of Honor of the Intergovernmental Council of Road Builders, Moscow, 2014
Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Committee of Highways, 2019.
A letter of thanks from the Nur Otan party of the Alatau district of Almaty, 2018.