Rakhimbaev Askar Baltybaevich

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Professor, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission

Candidate of Economic Sciences



Participation in scientific projects:

“Problems of financing the road industry in Kazakhstan in conditions of economic instability” for 2017-2020;
“Main directions of development of passenger public transport (PPT) in the world and Kazakhstan” for 2021-2024.

  • Образование
  • Образовательные программы и дисциплины
  • Публикации и награды

Diploma of Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission: June 20, 1997

Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences: Kazakh State Academy of Management, 08.00.10 “Finance and credit”, November 30, 1992

Diploma of higher economic education: Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, specialty “Finance and credit”, qualification “Economist”. June 28, 1983

Taxes and taxation in road and construction enterprises; Analysis of innovative projects; Financial institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and prospects for their development; Management of innovation processes in the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


45 scientific publications, 8 textbooks.


Certificates of honor and letters of thanks

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