Shakenova Zhamila Nauryzbayevna

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

History of Kazakhstan, general education disciplines and information systems



Participation in scientific projects:
– Development of soft skills during the formation of professional competencies of students at a technical university.
Scientific direction:
Development of an adaptive control system for machining wire rotation on lathes.

  • Образование
  • Образовательные программы и дисциплины
  • Публикации и награды

Diploma of higher technical education: Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, specialty – Automated systems for information processing and control, qualification – System engineer, 1992

Master’s degree in technical sciences: ASTU, specialty – Mechanical Engineering, 2013.

Object-oriented programming; modern operating systems; fundamentals of information systems; information security and information protection.

20 scientific publications, 1 textbook.

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