The idea of creating an Automobile and Road Educational Institution came to Rakhimzhan Kabashev at the end of the distant 1990s. Having worked for more than 30 years in the educational system and in the leading universities of the country, having witnessed the transition of the Soviet education system to the Kazakh one, as well as witnessed the unification of the Almaty Highway Institute (AADI) and the Almaty Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (ALIIT) into the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, it became clear to the scientist that his favorite majors can obtain a different orientation and lose its former accuracy and consistency.
So in 1999, the Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute (KazADI) was established (state license ABNo. 0142694). Having passed the thorny path from the institute to the academy and back, today KazADI is the only specialized technical university in the republic that trains personnel of the entire educational level, starting with a Bachelor’s degree and ending with a PhD, for the automobile and road industry of the native Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the basis of the university, the Almaty Automobile and Road College is successfully functioning, providing continuous training of specialists in the “College-UNIVERSITY” system.
The Scientific, Innovative and Educational Production Complex (R&D) with leading educational, scientific and industrial organizations and enterprises of the automobile and road industry allows the institution not only to give its students academic knowledge, but also teaches them to use it in practice. R&D certainly contributes to faster employment of graduates and their easier immersion in the production process. Accredited road stationary and mobile laboratories that carry out technical supervision, diagnostics and certification of the quality of road construction in the regions of Kazakhstan also allow employees, graduates and students to participate in the implementation of major road projects in the country.
The Institute has its representative offices in 10 regions of Kazakhstan.