Department of Transport Construction and Production of Building Materials

The Department of Transport Construction and Production of Building Materials (TC and PBM) is one of the leading departments of KazADI, which was established in 2002. KazADI obtains licenses to train specialists in the field of “Architecture and Construction” in the following educational programs:

Bachelor’s degree::

6B07311 “Construction of Highways and Airfields”;
6B07308 “Construction”;
6B07309 “Production of Building Materials, Products and Structures”;
6B07312 “Construction of Bridges and Tunnels”;
6B07313 “Construction of Gas and Oil pipelines and Gas and Oil Storages”

Master’s degree::

7M07314 “Construction of Highways and Airfields”;
7M07308 “Construction”.

The graduating Department has a fairly high potential of the teaching staff: 3 Doctors of Tech. Sc., 8 Candidates of Tech. Sc., 1 PhD and 7 Masters of Tech. Sc..

The Department of “TC and PBM” actively develops cooperation with employers, widely involving them in determining the content of educational programs, conducting classes, assessing students’ knowledge, which leads to effective employment of students.

Ensuring the quality of education in the areas of educational programs is carried out on the basis of contracts with leading industrial and scientific organizations for the internships of students and undergraduates of the Department on their production basis. The main partners are KazdorNII JSC, KazAvtoZhol JSC, KazNIIPI Dortrans LLP, Asfaltobeton-1 JSC, AZMK LLP, BI Group LLP and others.


План развития образовательной программы Докторантура 2023г
План ОП магистратура 2021г
План ОП бакалавриат 2021г
Модуль выпускника докторант 2022
Цель ОП
Комплексный план 2022-2023 ТСиПСМ
Миссия ОП
КЭД 2022-2026 САД рус
КЭД 2022-2026 САД КАЗ
КЭД 2022-2026 Сгот
КЭД 2022-2026 СНГ РУС
КЭД 2022-2026 СНГ КАЗ
КЭД 2022-2026 Мосты и тоннели РУС
КЭД 2022-2026 ПСМК рус
КЭД 2022-2026 Строительство КАЗ
КЭД 2022-2026 Мосты и тоннели КАЗ
КЭД 2022-2026 ПСМК КАЗ
КЭД докторантура ТС рус НП
КЭД докторантура ТС каз НП
КЭД 2021-2023 САД маг 2года
КЭД 2021-2023 САД маг 2г
КЭД 2022-2024 СТР маг 2года готов
КЭД строит.каз МАГ 2022
МОП 6В07309 ПСМК (1)
МОП 6В07311 САД
МОП 6В07312 МиТ
МОП 6В07313 СНГ
МОП 7М07308 СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО – НП-2.0г (1)+
МОП 7М07314 САД – 2.0 г
МОП 8D07301 ТС – НП
МОП 6В07308 Стр
МОП 6В07312 МиТ КАЗ
МОП 7М07308 СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО – НП-2.0г (1)+ КАЗ
МОП 7М07314 САД – 2.0 г КАЗ
МОП 8D07301 ТС- НП КАЗ
МОП 6В07308 Стр КАЗ
Положение по оформлению маг.диссертации 2022-2023
Прогамма Исследовательской практика Магистрантов
Прогамма педагогической практика Магистрантов
Программа практика Строительство газонефтепроводов и газонефтехранилищ
Программа практика Строительство
Программа практики ПСМиК 6В07309
Программа практики Строительство мостов и тоннелей
Программа практики ТС 6В07310 и САД 6В07311
МУ по оформл ДП 2022-2023 ТСиПСМ Word (1)
АО «КазДорНИИ»
АО «КазАвтоЖол»
ТОО «КазНИиПИ «Дортранс»
ТОО «Асфальтобетон №1»
ТОО «BI Group»
Events Department of materials Construction and production of building materials

Department of the Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy

The creation of the Department of the Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy (KazADI) began in 2001. In 2001 the “Lifting and Transport, Road Construction Machinery and Equipment, Automobiles and Automotive Industry” Department was established.

The first Head of the Department is Rakhimzhan Kabashev – Rector of KazADI, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. of Tech. Sciences, Prof., Academician of the International Academy of Transport.

In 2010 the Department was renamed and became known as “Transport Equipment and Organization of Transportation” (TE and OT).

The main task of the Department is to provide theoretical and practical training of specialists with professional knowledge and educational skills.

The Department of “TE and OT” is a graduate department that trains personnel in the following educational programs:

Bachelor ‘s degree in

“Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies”
“Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”
“Organization of Traffic”
“Organization of Transportation and Logistics in Transport”
“Mechatronics in the Automotive Industry”

Master’s degree in

“Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies”
“Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”

Doctoral degree (PhD) in

“Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies”
“Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”.

Classes are conducted in State, Russian and English languages. The teaching staff of the Department represents a highly qualified professional team, including: 7 Doctors of sciences, 11 Candidates of sciences, 2 PhD doctors, 10 Masters of sciences.

The main partners are

Департамент полиции г. Алматы




ТОО «Казахский  научно – исследовательский  институт  безопасности дорожного движения» (КазНИИБД)


ТОО «СМЭУ Алматы»




ТОО «SNLC» (Shyngar Trans Logistics Company)


ТОО «QazLogistikGroup»


ТОО «Фирма Lika Trade»


ТОО «Нур Темир Транс»


Events of the department Transport equipment and organization of transportation

“History of Kazakhstan, General Education Disciplines and Information Systems” Department

The “History of Kazakhstan, General Education Disciplines and Information Systems” Department is a structural subdivision of the Automobile and Road Faculty of the Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute and trains bachelors and undergraduates in all areas of training.

Languages of teaching: Kazakh, Russian, some disciplines in English.

The Department is graduating for the 6B06106 – “Information systems” EP. The “Information Systems” EP 6B06106 has been updated and entered into the Register of EP RK for the 2021-2025 academic year

“Information Systems” EP 6B06106 has a specialized NAAR accreditation until 10.06.2024 (No. AV3539 dated 11.06.2021).
The total number of faculty of the Department is 29 people, of which 21 are full-time (2 Drs of Sciences, 1 PhD, 8 Candidates of Sciences, 6 Masters) and 8 part-time employees.

The Department maintains close contact with employers, including

Honeywell-ASU LLP

Teaching staff of the Department performs research on the “Development of Soft Skills in the Formation of Professional Competencies of Students at a Technical University” initiative topic.

Students and teaching staff of the Department actively participate in cooperation with foreign universities, including Howest University, Kortrijk, Belgium; HNADU, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Rezekne Academy of Technology, Latvia, etc.

For informational support of students and all other stakeholders, the website of the HK, GED and IS Department has been created.


Events of the department History of Kazakhstan general education disciplines and information systems

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics is one of the leading departments, which was established in 2003. The main purpose of the Department is the preparation of bachelors and masters. KazADI obtains a license to train specialists in the field of “Business and Management” training in the following educational programs:

Bachelor’s degree:

6B04101 “Economics”;
6b04103 “Accounting and Audit”;

Master’s degree:

7M04101 “Economics”.

The graduating Department has a fairly high potential of the teaching staff: 1 Dr. of Economic Sc., 6 Candidates of Economic Sc. and 5 Masters of Economic Sciences.
The Department of Economics actively cooperates with employees, widely involving them in determining the content of educational programs, conducting practical classes, guest lectures, as well as assessing the knowledge of students and their subsequent employment. The key commercial partners of the Department are the following enterprises and organizations: “Asphaltobeton-1” LLP, “SaVeSa” LLP, “Avier Grand” LLP, “GRV Accounting” LLP, “People Media” LLP, “SAKE-93” LLP, “Xan Construction” LLP.


Компетентность модели выпускника
Компетент.модель выпускника УиА

Компетент.модель УиА англ

Компент.модель УиА 2022. каз

КЭД Учет и аудит

КЭД УиА каз

КЭД УиА англ

МОП Учет и аудит

МОП УиА каз

МОП УиА англ

Метод указания по оформлению ДР УиА

Метод указания по преддипломной практики УиА

Программа преддипломной практики УиА

Программа профессиональной практики УиА

Компетент.модель выпускника магистратура

Компетент.модель магистратура каз

Компетент.модель магистратура англ

Положение по оформлению Магистерской Диссертации 2022

Метод.указания по прохождению педагогической практики

Программа научной стажировки магистрантов

Метод.указания по прохождению исследовательской практики магистрантов

План развит ОП на 2020-2025 магистратура окон

План развит ОП магистр англ

План развит ОП магистр каз

КЭД Магистратура

КЭД-Эконом МАГИСТР каз

КЭД Магистратура англ

МОП Магистратура

МОП-Эконом МАГИСТР каз

МОП Магистратура англ

The main partners are

GRV Accounting
Асфальтобетон 1
Events of the Department of Economics
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